Thursday, October 1, 2009

Worst Mom of the Year

What is this crazy picture you ask???

Well.... we ran out of diapers. Most moms would realize that they are getting low, but I hate buying diapers so I avoid it at all cost. So we were out and of course Carson had a blow out. Every time he goes it is a blowout. So I change him and realize I have ZERO diaper to put back on! I looked in all of my bags, the car, everywhere. I use cloth diapers for burp rags so I thought I would try that. My mom used them right? I could not figure out how to keep it on, and it got worse from there.

I first put on a cloth diaper, followed by a Walmart bag tied around his waist and thighs. It obviously did not hold well. When I couldn't get the bag to stay tight I grabbed a pair of my underwear. Turns out they were too big. We then loaded him into the car and took him to my dear friend's Carrie; who is a good mother and had an extra diaper.

Poor kid, doesn't even have a chance :)


Kristin said...

K Beth, that is hilarious!

Megan said...

so funny. i thought i was cheap about diapers. haha.