Well.... we ran out of diapers. Most moms would realize that they are getting low, but I hate buying diapers so I avoid it at all cost. So we were out and of course Carson had a blow out. Every time he goes it is a blowout. So I change him and realize I have ZERO diaper to put back on! I looked in all of my bags, the car, everywhere. I use cloth diapers for burp rags so I thought I would try that. My mom used them right? I could not figure out how to keep it on, and it got worse from there.
I first put on a cloth diaper, followed by a Walmart bag tied around his waist and thighs. It obviously did not hold well. When I couldn't get the bag to stay tight I grabbed a pair of my underwear. Turns out they were too big. We then loaded him into the car and took him to my dear friend's Carrie; who is a good mother and had an extra diaper.
Poor kid, doesn't even have a chance :)
K Beth, that is hilarious!
so funny. i thought i was cheap about diapers. haha.
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