Monday, June 1, 2009

Canon Powershot SD790

We finally got a new camera!!!!!!!!! Our camera has been driving me crazy for a while now, but especially since Carson was born. It is a really good camera, but for some reason the batteries have been dying all the time and it takes so long to take a picture. Saturday morning Caron woke up at 5am to eat. I fed him and then we both fell back asleep in my bed. When he woke up at 8 he was so happy. He was smiling and laughing and being adorable. I got the camera and took a video of him babbling, and one of him laughing. I watched them and the sound wouldn't work. Apparently you can record things, but there is no sound. I was mad. I looked on line to see what time Best Buy opened and at 10:00 sharp we were there buying a new camera. We got the Canon. It was on sale, and we heard it was good. I have been doing research on cameras for a few weeks now and I had decided this is one that I wanted. There of course were some better ones, but money...darn money. We made sure that the video actually had sound. Here are some pictures taken with the camera.

1 comment:

Rachel Schanz said...

So, I'm thinking you forgot to upload the pictures.....'cause I'm not seeing any :)