I think everyone knows that i adore my baby boy. He is fat and yummy and I am crazy about him. With that said...He is driving me crazy. All of the sudden the kid doesn't sleep. He still does pretty good at night (for the most part) and only gets up once. During the day however he has stopped napping. When he does fall asleep he will only stays asleep for like an hour sometimes less. Then he wakes up. Sometimes he will go back to sleep after I leave him crying in his bed for 40 minutes, but by the time he falls asleep it is time for him to eat. He will take a pretty long nap if I am holding him, but then I get nothing done. I was worried he was hungry, but look at the kid, how can he be hungry? He has enough storage to last a year. Then I thought he was sick or something, but he seems fine the rest of the day. What is a girl to do?? Anyone have any tricks?
Even though I am frustrated, look at these cute pictures of my boy.
Here are some things that helped megan....wrap her up tight, like a burrito, a binki, a vibrating chair, a swing, and some music.......good luck!
Hey Bethany, I was just going to say the things that Rachel did...wrap that sucker up! And maybe he is just out of his routine from the visit with Sam and baby?
He is sure darn cute! We miss you guys!
If you figure it out, let me know. Jonas has never taken naps without me holding him. I've tried the wrapping, the swing, the vibrating chair, the music. I've been there done that, and he doesn't sleep. Now he is sleeping about 8 hours at night in a row, but nothing during the day. It drives me crazy. Needless to say, my house is a mess and we never eat real food for dinner. Usually Pasta of some sort since it really doesn't involve much. But seriously if you figure it out, let me know. Letting him scream doesn't even do the trick for me. He will scream for an hour straight if I let him. Good luck!
I say . . . I have no suggestions except that he must be doing well because he is adorable. I love him and I have never met him. I really love you too, I want to see you sometime in my lifetime.
Nels was the same way. I thought I was going to go insane. Until I... started letting him take naps on his belly (gasp!). I know that freaks a lot of moms out, but I swear... he wouldn't sleep any other way. Ever. Not even for 10 minutes. I spent an entire month on my couch trying to get him to sleep, and then I had to reclaim my sanity.
I think some kids just sleep better on their bellies. Jens hates being on his belly, and sleeps wonderfully on his back. It's just different for every kid.
(In case you were wondering, Nels didn't die of SIDS).
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