Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happiest Kids in the World

These kids love their baths. Carson plays and plays. Paige is a blob...and I love it.
Whose face is that?
Here is my Paige. She is 12 weeks old in this picture. She is so smiley, especially when Danny is around and so so sweet. She is 15 lbs...maybe more. The pants she is wearing are actually a size 2T pair of shorts. They fit her waist perfectly though :)
This little lady loves to eat and sleep. She eats every 3 hours, but if you stick a binky in her mouth she can wait all day. She has been sleeping pretty well at night. If I feed her around 8 or 9 she will usually sleep until 5ish. If I feed her at 10 she wakes up at 2 or makes no sense. So clearly, I feed her earlier. I am guessing this trend will be changing soon, it always does.
What a great big brother!
Carson loves to hold Paige. My happy Paige doesn't even care that she is horribly uncomfortable
There he is...the happiest kid in the world. This kid laughs at anything. If we keep him fed and let him play you won't find a happier kid.

***just to clarify....these kids can also be very unhappy. If Carson has to come inside, if he is tired, hungry, not able to play with his best friend Olivia, if is trying to tell me something and I don't understand, if we only let him watch Buzz 5 times instead of 6...the list goes on and on...he is not happy.

Paige just needs to eat and then go back to sleep. She also hates when she has an upset stomach.


Allen Family said...

Thanks for the side note, I was getting a little jealous that your kids were always happy and I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Glad to see your doing good with two kids!

Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing pictures!! Your kids are adorable..Paige is so darn cute. I love those cheeks..Glad to hear you are doing good. Miss you guys!!

French Family said...

Hey So cute! I love how chubby little Paiger is. It's so yummy!